The CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT) is a software platform designed for yield forecasting at spatial resolutions of either 5 or 30 arc-minutes using an ensemble modeling approach. Currently, the DSSAT, APSIM, and SARRA-H crop simulation models have been implemented for nine important food and feed crops using the AgMIP IT tools.
CRAFT is an initiative of CCAFS and was developed in partnership with the University of Florida. CRAFT has been successfully applied for in-season yield forecasting of wheat and rice cropping systems in Nepal and Bangladesh and is currently being evaluated for yield forecasting and climate change applications in West Africa in collaboration with the WASCAL Project, Agrhymet, and the CASCAID Project of ICRISAT.

For a more detailed description of CRAFT, see the recent publication entitled “A multi-scale and multi-model gridded framework for forecasting crop production, risk analysis, and climate change impact studies” published in Environmental Modelling and Software (Direct link here).
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